Author: monsteronsunday
The Thinking Atheist
Atheist Nomads Podcast
The Herd Mentality Podcast

Mythicist Milwaukee Atheist Rock and Roll w/ Monster on Sunday

Steve and Tally Cass, founding band members of Monster on Sunday, join us on the podcast. Monster on Sunday has been rocking the San Diego music scene, introducing a new wave of lyrical rationality to a thoroughly religious environment. Steve and Tally discuss their journey into atheism and how it has affected their music. We get an in-depth look at the narrative behind some of their songs and how it ties back to atheism. Steve and Tally, believe in the merits of science, the virtues of critical thinking, and consider “faith” to be sheer folly. They are carving out their own atheist hard rock musical genre. During the interview we get to preview some of the songs off of their album “Baby Eater”. Don’t miss this fun and entertaining interview with the very exciting up and coming atheist rock band!
Follow Mythicist Milwaukee here
Podcast Interview on the Atheist Nomads

Hey everybody go check us out episode 173 where we invaded the Atheist Nomads podcast, play a song from our upcoming live album, rant about politics and cheer on Satanists in jail.
To check out more awesome podcasts from the Atheist Nomads go to
For more podcasts with Monster on Sunday go to
Interview on the Ra-Men Podcast

We talk about our upcoming release of live music from the Reason Rally, religion and Steve’s story of leaving the faith on this interview with the legendary Aron Ra.
For more podcasts with Monster on Sunday go to
Podcast Interview on the Phil Ferguson Show!

Check us out on the Phil Ferguson show! Please check out episode 190 Gold and Monster on Sunday.
Steve and Tally Cass join the show to talk about their Hard Rock Atheist Band “Monster On Sunday”! We also get to listen to a few songs from the about to be released live concert at The Reason Rally!
Investing Skeptically: Trump won the election – Should I now buy gold?
Listen to “190 GOLD? and Monster On Sunday” on Spreaker.
If you want to check out more awesome episodes of the Phil Ferguson show go here
For all podcasts featuring the band go to
Interview on The Thinking Athiest Podcast

We’re on The Thinking Atheist, where we talk about our Atheist rock band, the story behind our music and our upcoming performance at the Reason Rally Crystal City After Party. Check it out!
For more amazing episodes of the Thinking Atheist go to
For all podcasts featuring the band go to